The S3D Video player is designed for displaying 3D video and 3D photos with active shutter glasses. With it you can set up your computer for 3D show with the maximum quality. The program is free.

We post a preliminary version so that you can try to watch 3D video and check the performance on your hardware. There are still quite a lot of incompletion in the player. There is no synchronisation of sound with image and there is no support for some audio packaging formats. It is quite difficult to make a good 3D player immediately. Gradually we will finish it. If the application does not start or if you have found any critical bugs, please report them. The application does not require mandatory presence Nvidia graphic card and is completely standalone.


Graphics engine OpenGL
Video handler FFmpeg 7.0.2 "Dijkstra"
Operation System Win10.. Win11
Display method Switching Side
Display Frame Rate 60Fps.. 255Fps
Preferred Frame Rate From 90Fps
Picture Formats SBS-X, SBS-P, L-R
Video Formats SBS, V/H, Compreseed
Type of 3D glasses Active Shutter Glasses
Synchronization USB cable, Bluetooth LE, IR Sync
Compatibility S3D Glasses S3D Emitter
• NVIDIA 3D Vision driver not required


Button: Play/Stop

Starts playback or stops playback and closes the file. Like all other players.

Button: Pause/Resume

Temporary pause with image display. Press again to continue..

Button: L/R

Switches the sequence of the Left<->Right perspectives output, if stereo picture files are mixed up or grouped incorrectly.

Button: Mono/3D

Choice between Stereo and Normal mode.

Button: Format

3D video files have different methods of image packaging. First select Normal, see how the frames are arranged, then switch to the option you want.

Button: File

To show video or single image. Select single picture file or video file.

Button: Folder

To show multiple pictures or photos. Select the location of the directory with the image files. The slide show will automatically start.

Button: Glasses

Opens the interface of the 3D Glasses Setup.

Image formats

It is common to use a single file with two images. For the left eye and the right eye. But there exist differences. The authors package the pictures for different viewing methods on different equipment. The player can show any format. To make it automatically recognition what kind of packaging is used, add a letter ending code to the picture name. This code should be placed before the final dot of the file name.

• The parallel case example:
Here: p - stereo image, parallel

• The cross eye case example:
Here: x - stereo image, cross eye

If you open a directory with many different images using the Folder button, the embedded filter will select and show only images labelled 3dp or 3dx. Using the File button, you can open any image.

Video formats

Video file can be packaged in more diverse methods. For automatic correct startup, change the file name according to the description below.

1. Side By Side Normal

Two stereo frames placed together, L and R are side by side. They are not geometrically compressed. For this case use option: Side By Side Normal. Correspondingly add 3 letters to the vide file name before dot: lrn or rln. Where l - show the left picture on the left. Or r - show the right picture on the left.
Example: video-file-name-lrn.mp4
Here: lr - SBS, left side first, n - normal

2. Side By Side Compressed

Two stereo frames packed together, L and R are side by side. But geometrically compressed by horizontally. To get a normal image need to stretch it. Therefore, the horizontal (resolution) quality will be 2 times worse. For this case use option: Side By Side Compressed. Correspondingly add 3 letters to the file name before dot: lrc or rlc. Where l - show the left picture on the left. Or r - show the right picture on the left.
Example: video-file-name-lrc.mp4
Here: lr - SBS, left side first, c - horizontally compressed

3. Top Bottom Compressed

Two stereo frames together, L on Top and R on Bottom position. Geometrically compressed vertically. To get a normal image need to stretch it vertically. Therefore, the vertical quality will be 2 times worse. For this case use option: Top Bottom Compressed. Correspondingly add 3 letters to the file name before dot: tbc or btc. Where t - show the top picture on the left. Or b - show the bottom picture on the left.

4. Top Bottom Normal

Two stereo frames together, L and R are one on top of the other. They are not geometrically compressed. For this case use option: Top Bottom Normal. Correspondingly add 3 letters to the file name: tbn or btn. Where t - show the top picture on the left. Or b - show the bottom picture on the left. From the Format menu, you can select the desired item manually.

How to attach equipment

Detailed description by model. Select the option you need.

Connect S3D Glasses
Connect S3D Emitter
Connect S3D Dongle
Connect NVIDIA 3D Vision Glasses
Connect DLP Link Glasses

How to install the player

1. Download the zip archive with the player files
2. Download 3D emitter driver
3. Check the files with any suitable antivirus
4. Unzip the player to a convenient location
5. Install 3D emitter driver
6. Update your graphic card driver
7. Update the glasses and emitter firmware
8. In the video card driver, enable vertical synchronization option
9. Download our 3D demo video
10. Download our 3D demo pictures pack
11. Run the playback and adjust the glasses

To make the player execute commands, close the glasses setup window. It intercepts the control and does not give it to the player. We will fix this later.

How to make a player faster

If you have a fast new video card but the player doesn't work consistently, you see frame loss or jerky images. Then need to optimise it for performance. Standard settings are made by the card manufacturer to the minimum level so that the user does not have difficulties with the installation of the equipment.

NVIDIA Control Panel -> Display -> Configuring G-Sync
1. Enable for window and full screen mode
2. Select the display to change the parameters
3. Enable settings for the selected display model

NVIDIA Control Panel -> Parameters 3D -> Global parameters
Anisotropic filtering OFF
Vertical synchronisation ON
VR image smoothing OFF
GP rendering OpenGL Geforce RTX
Pre-processed frames 1
Streaming optimisation Auto
Preferred refresh rate App Control
Low delay mode ON
Power management mode Maximum performance
OpenGL GDI compatibility Performance priority
Monitor Technology G-Sync support
Triple buffering OFF
Enable scalable textures OFF
Expansion limitation OFF
GPU acceleration Single-display performance mode
Texture filtering (anisotropic sampling optimisation) OFF
Texture filtering (negative deviation of SD) Bind
Texture filtering (quality) Performance
Texture filtering (trilinear optimisation) OFF
Texture filtering (anisotropic filtering optimisation) OFF

NVIDIA Control Panel -> Parameters 3D -> Configuring PhysX
1. Setting PhysX: CPU

Then, when everything works fast and without visible artefacts, you can change the settings in the direction of complexity and increase the quality of the video picture to your liking.


Application: Update: 23 Sep 2024
S3D Video Player 64bit
Experimental latest version Only for 3D images

Windows driver:
USB Win driver

3D content:
3D demo video
3D movies pack
3D pictures demo pack